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About us

​Working in partnership with both designers and artisans in the developed and developing countries, we develop and commercialized products that are highly designed, innovative, sustainable and eco-friendly.​


We are a Team of professional, creative and passionate individuals who want to make a difference and provide development for Artisans around the globe. Workartte Team is specialized in Business Administration, Business Development, Finance, Marketing, Advertising, Branding, Fashion and Design


Our Methodology


We understand that in a globalized market, innovation and re invention are required to maintain production sustainability. Therefore, we consider that the most effective way to maintain handmade traditions is to provide the artisan with an aggregated value to their products, by achieving high quality designed, unique, and commercially viable products that will fairly compensate the artisans for their production and become a financial incentive to maintain the elaboration of handmade products and the continuation of tradition.We believe that in order to create this, we need to integrate a holistic approach of transference of know in terms of product development, corporate image consultancy, market strategy, and business skills training.


We establish ourselves as a bridge for innovation and commercialization, working together with partners with both developed and developing countries, leaving behind the artisan with the knowledge and infrastructure to sustain themselves after our mentoring is done. By fostering serif-reliance, ensuring fair wages, and building support networks, the organization offers far more than Fair Trade, Workartte promotes human dignity by empowering individuals to overcome social and economic inequality.


Our core values are based in what we call our three concepts : Design, Sustainability, Environmental and social responsibility.

Our Team
Our Metodology

Our Services

Workartte provides a variety of services to artisan businesses including product development, business training, the promotion of products in different countries, and the scheduling and coordination of a number of activities and events. These include annual participation in international and national fairs, tradeshows, conferences, and seminars.


In addition we provide direct services to artisan businesses that include professional lobbyist services to represent our members with governments and trade agencies at both national and international levels, communications and market exposure for the artisans’ products in international markets, and coordination of members into internet consumer sales and product distribution.


Workartte markets more than 1000 different items through, wholesale partners, and special events hosted by a national and international network of representatives. Products include jewelry, accessories, handbags, pottery, home décor, indigenous art, and toys.

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